35 items
The Completed Montreal General Hospital. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Berkovitz Fonds, 2014-0014.04.473.2
The Completed Montreal General Hospital. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Berkovitz Fonds, 2014-0014.04.473.2
View of the hospital showing the original Magee property in the future location of the Research Institute, 1966. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Berkovitz Fonds, 2014-0014.04.303.
View of the hospital showing the original Magee property in the future location of the Research Institute, 1966. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Berkovitz Fonds, 2014-0014.04.303.
Ambulances lined up outside of the old hospital, waiting to transport patients to the new building, 1955. McGill University Archives, PA027724 (album)
Ambulances lined up outside of the old hospital, waiting to transport patients to the new building, 1955. McGill University Archives, PA027724 (album)
Foundation stone of the new hospital laid by then-Premier of Quebec, Maurice Duplessis, 2 May 1953. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Mann Fonds, 2017-0001.04.2.11
Foundation stone of the new hospital laid by then-Premier of Quebec, Maurice Duplessis, 2 May 1953. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Mann Fonds, 2017-0001.04.2.11
Montreal Children’s Hospital, photographed by Robert Derval, 2000. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Montreal Children’s Hospital Audio-Visual Department Fonds, 2014-0015.04.748
Montreal Children’s Hospital, photographed by Robert Derval, 2000. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Montreal Children’s Hospital Audio-Visual Department Fonds, 2014-0015.04.748
Montreal Chest Institute, 1953. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Montreal Chest Institute Fonds, 2014-0026.04.71
Montreal Chest Institute, 1953. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Montreal Chest Institute Fonds, 2014-0026.04.71
Construction of the Montreal General Hospital, c. 1952-55. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Berkovitz Fonds, 2014-0014.04.39
Construction of the Montreal General Hospital, c. 1952-55. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Berkovitz Fonds, 2014-0014.04.39
Dr. David Mulder with Travis Moen, 2014
Left: Dr. Doug Kinnear with Bob Gainey, c. 1975; Right: Dr. David Mulder with Travis Moen, 2014. Photos courtesy of Dr. David Mulder
Left: Dr. Doug Kinnear with Bob Gainey, c. 1975; Right: Dr. David Mulder with Travis Moen, 2014. Photos courtesy of Dr. David Mulder
Western Hospital, 1945. BAnQ, Conrad Poirier Fonds, 548438
Western Hospital, 1945. BAnQ, Conrad Poirier Fonds, 548438
Western General Hospital, Montreal, showing the Mills building and Lyall wing, c. 1907-18. BAnQ, CP 030117 CON
Western General Hospital, Montreal, showing the Mills building and Lyall wing, c. 1907-18. BAnQ, CP 030117 CON
Crowded cafeteria at the MGH, 1921. Art and Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Mann Fonds, 2017-0001.04.11
Crowded cafeteria at the MGH, 1921. Art and Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Mann Fonds, 2017-0001.04.11
Catholic Sailors’ Club, 329 Common St., Montreal, Canada, date unknown. BanQ, Collection Michel Bazinet
Catholic Sailors’ Club, 329 Common St., Montreal, Canada, date unknown. BanQ, Collection Michel Bazinet
Marrio Robert, 2020. Influenza à Montréal 1918 – Cas et décès par jour, dans L’influenza de 1918-1919 à Montréal : « Le baromètre tragique ». Archives de Montréal.
Marrio Robert, 2020. Influenza à Montréal 1918 – Cas et décès par jour, dans L’influenza de 1918-1919 à Montréal : « Le baromètre tragique ». Archives de Montréal.
Newspaper Clipping announcing the formation of the Female Benevolent Society of Montreal, Montreal Gazette, 26 February 1816. BAnQ
Newspaper Clipping announcing the formation of the Female Benevolent Society of Montreal, Montreal Gazette, 26 February 1816. BAnQ
Chart showing growth of population of the city, by Linda Jackson.
Chart showing growth of population of the city, by Linda Jackson.
Montreal from Street Railway Power House chimney, QC, 1896. Wm. Notman & Son. McCord Museum, VIEW-2943.
Montreal from Street Railway Power House chimney, QC, 1896. Wm. Notman & Son. McCord Museum, VIEW-2943.
Fond de court dans un quartier défavorisé, 1914. BanQ, Massicotte Albums, MAS A-26-b
Fond de court dans un quartier défavorisé, 1914. BanQ, Massicotte Albums, MAS A-26-b
Photographic copy of an artwork of the Montreal Medical Institution (20 Saint James Street), nd. McGill University Archives, PR014568.
A View of the hospital from the south showing the galleries, from Newton Bosworth’s Hochelaga Depicta, 1839. Reprinted in The Montreal General Hospital 1821-1956: A Pictorial Review, Special Number of the Montreal General Hospital Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 8 (September 1956).
A View of the hospital from the south showing the galleries, from Newton Bosworth’s Hochelaga Depicta, 1839. Reprinted in The Montreal General Hospital 1821-1956: A Pictorial Review, Special Number of the Montreal General Hospital Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 8 (September 1956).
Sketch of duel between Caldwell and O’Sullivan, nd, from Pages of History, edited by Jean C. Grout, 1981
Sketch of duel between Caldwell and O’Sullivan, nd, from Pages of History, edited by Jean C. Grout, 1981
Outside Balcony of the A Gallery, B Gallery and Residents Quarters, 1905. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Mann Fonds, 2017-0001.04.1.4
Outside Balcony of the A Gallery, B Gallery and Residents Quarters, 1905. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Mann Fonds, 2017-0001.04.1.4
Street View of the Montreal General Hospital, c. 1920. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Berkovitz Fonds, 2014-0014.04.635
Street View of the Montreal General Hospital, c. 1920. Art & Heritage Centre of the MUHC, Berkovitz Fonds, 2014-0014.04.635
John Henry Walker, Family Life, 1850-1885. McCord Museum, Gift of David Ross McCord, M930.50.2.263
John Henry Walker, Family Life, 1850-1885. McCord Museum, Gift of David Ross McCord, M930.50.2.263
Ladies Benevolent Institution, Montreal, QC, 1909. Wm Notman & Son. McCord Museum, II-174417
Ladies Benevolent Institution, Montreal, QC, 1909. Wm Notman & Son. McCord Museum, II-174417
The Roddick Gates at McGill University, 1930s. Archives de la Ville de Montréal
The Roddick Gates at McGill University, 1930s. Archives de la Ville de Montréal
Stone erected in to commemorate Irish immigrants who died of ship’s fever in 1847 by the workmen of Victoria Bridge, St. Patrick street, c. 1870-1920. BAnQ, Massicotte Albums, MAS 7-73-c
Stone erected in to commemorate Irish immigrants who died of ship’s fever in 1847 by the workmen of Victoria Bridge, St. Patrick street, c. 1870-1920. BAnQ, Massicotte Albums, MAS 7-73-c
William Notman, Construction buildings from top of bridge, Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC, 1858-59. William Notman. McCord Museum, gift of Mrs. Henry W. Hill, N-0000.392.2.2
William Notman, Construction buildings from top of bridge, Victoria Bridge, Montreal, QC, 1858-59. William Notman. McCord Museum, gift of Mrs. Henry W. Hill, N-0000.392.2.2
« Montréal – Scènes en face de l’hôtel-de-ville, par les anti-vaccinateurs, dans la soirée du 28 septembre », Le Monde illustré, vol. 2, no 76, 17 octobre 1885, p. 185. BAnQ
« Montréal – Scènes en face de l’hôtel-de-ville, par les anti-vaccinateurs, dans la soirée du 28 septembre », Le Monde illustré, vol. 2, no 76, 17 octobre 1885, p. 185. BAnQ
The recent smallpox epidemic in Montreal – vaccinating American-bound passengers on a train of the Grand Trunk Railway, 1883. Osler Library Prints Collection, OPF000001
The recent smallpox epidemic in Montreal – vaccinating American-bound passengers on a train of the Grand Trunk Railway, 1883. Osler Library Prints Collection, OPF000001
Jeanne Mance, 1606-1673, Fondatrice de l’Hôtel-Dieu de St-Joseph de Montreal, 1642. Postcard, BanQ, CP 033921 CON.
Jeanne Mance, 1606-1673, Fondatrice de l’Hôtel-Dieu de St-Joseph de Montreal, 1642. Postcard, BanQ, CP 033921 CON.
Montreal’s Night-Mayor on his Ghostly Rounds (Dedicated to the Board of Health), 1875. McCord Museum, M992X.5.82.
Montreal’s Night-Mayor on his Ghostly Rounds (Dedicated to the Board of Health), 1875. McCord Museum, M992X.5.82.
Goose Village children, Montreal, QC, about 1910. Art Studio. McCord Museum, Gift of Mr. John Stanley Kennedy, MP-1979.131.
Goose Village children, Montreal, QC, about 1910. Art Studio. McCord Museum, Gift of Mr. John Stanley Kennedy, MP-1979.131.
Town of Montreal with the rocks, shoals, soundings, &c. in the harbour, shewing also the improvements, projected canal, squares &c., by Joseph Bouchette, London W. Faden, 1815. BanQ, 0003836124.
Town of Montreal with the rocks, shoals, soundings, &c. in the harbour, shewing also the improvements, projected canal, squares &c., by Joseph Bouchette, London W. Faden, 1815. BanQ, 0003836124.
Painting of a harbour for Henry Sandham, Montreal, QC, 1880. Notman & Sandham. McCord Museum, II-56905.1
Painting of a harbour for Henry Sandham, Montreal, QC, 1880. Notman & Sandham. McCord Museum, II-56905.1